Clairvoyance & my background

Clairvoyance has always been within my family. My Aunt passed down her deck of Tarot cards to me. I have always been aware of spirit, since I was a child. My experiences were often viewed as a product of an overactive imagination. Prior to working as a professional Clairvoyant, I was a bereavement counsellor for six years, working for Cruse Bereavement Care as a grief counsellor, doing one to one group therapy sessions. During this time, I first heard spirit talk to me in a Clairaudient way, much to my surprise! Clairaudience is the ability to perceive by hearing.

In 2012, as a single mother of two, during the recession, government cuts made finding work difficult. This began to affect my mental health.

In order to improve my wellbeing, I started to attend an art therapy group. Just chatting and painting really helped me with my anxiety and depression. Although I had no previous experience of painting beforehand, this was where my love for art began.

Working with paint has helped me to ‘zone out’, and to quieten the mind. This made me feel like a healing process was beginning. I then discovered that other people also saw healing or hidden meanings in my work.

Now I tune into spirit and meditate each time before I paint. I tune in with my guides, the universe and angelic energies and show gratitude for their help. My artwork is my saviour”


This painting features a black horse guide, I was given the name ‘Stella’ to represent her, which has Latin and Italian origins , meaning ‘Star’. The black horse is a symbol of death and rebirth, so right now, look at the doors that seem to be closing, ready for new doors to open. This is similar to the tarot card meaning of the ‘death’ card, it can be very liberating in helping us face change.

Sometimes the ‘dark horse’ likes to surprise when people underestimate and then shock others with their actual strength, thoughts, views and knowledge.

Stella also comes to help those looking at aspects of the ‘shadow’ self to aid in self counselling, talking or writing therapies, where we are working on other aspects of self and bringing them into focus.