Nature inspirations

Izzy and Flossie my rescue dogs

I love creating paintings based on nature and animals. I have my own menagerie of animals at home, including Izzy and Flossie my rescue Lurcher dogs, a snake, two budgies and a rescue guinea pig!

Walking my dogs allows me to relax and clear my mind in preparation for meditation and my work.

I love the countryside and observing nature, especially flowers, plants, as I am a keen gardener!

As the seasons change, I look forward to the beautiful smell of Autumn in the air, leaves underfoot and crisp frost on the ground on Winter mornings.

My love of nature is showcased in my artwork and is connected with my spirit guides.

‘Letting Go’

‘Letting Go’ is about just that, about when were able to release, to let the leaves fall, and to embrace new change.

With a white horse representing dignity, respect and self respect, the white horse also stands for purity and freedom.

We have Elderberries in the painting hanging above the horse, Elderberries being a sign of protection in the Pagan tradition.

The spirit of the ‘Elder Mother ‘ is said to inhabit the Elder tree. Elderberries also protect from psychic attack and repel any negative thoughts. Elderberry juice is used to perform blessings for protection.

The subjects of mental health and wellness and emotional wellbeing seemed very significant to me as I was painting this.

This painting represents Autumn and the season bringing change and transformations.

‘The Bonfire’

I have Just finished this painting called ‘The Bonfire’. This painting is about renewal and making a point of clearing away the past, getting rid of bad rubbish, letting it burn and feeling so much better for it!

So maybe have a think of what you may be putting out to burn in your own life?

Is it past relationships…?
Is it work…?
Is it family matters….?

Whatever you feel should go on your own personal bonfire, allows you to move on and to set yourself free.

New starts are to be celebrated as we let go of the things we burn on our bonfire. Endings are always about new beginnings, and releasing from the past makes way for an exciting future.